You can select the results for a specific rider:
A A Smith
A Bate
A C Harding
A E Warden
A F Brown
A Flavell
A G Williams
A H Burr
A H Harris
A K Deadman
A K Hoare
A Magee
A Major
A Mansley
A N Wren
A R Chamberlain
A R Smith
A R Wiggin
A Rogers
A Smith
A Vale
Adam Holt
Adam Kinsey
Adam Rogers
Adam Wankowski
Adam Watkins
Adam Whittaker
Adam Wild
Adrian Derbyshire
Adrian Fitch
Adrian Hills
Adrian Lee
Adrian Pudsey
Adrian Rhodes-Paterson
Aidan Hedley
Alan Bate
Alan Davison
Alan King
Alan Parkinson
Alan Purchase
Alan Sutton
Alec Dovinson
Alec Mayes
Aleks Jurczyk
Alex Doig
Alex Greenbank
Alex Kirk
Alex Pattison
Alex Russell
Alexander Whyman
Alf Short
Allan McCourt
Amanda Lane
Amy Hudson
Amy HudsonW
Andrew Askwith
Andrew Bain
Andrew Barratt
Andrew Brookfield
Andrew Carpenter
Andrew Cox
Andrew Croft
Andrew Dade
Andrew Davies
Andrew Green
Andrew Harrington
Andrew Howett
Andrew Johnson
Andrew Metcalfe
Andrew Nye
Andrew Preston
Andrew Rawling
Andrew Rivett
Andrew Rowe
Andrew Sherwood
Andrew Waddington
Andrew Walsh
Andrew Weighill
Andrew Wilkinson
Andy Barratt
Andy Briggs
Andy Burns
Andy Cook
Andy Denyer
Andy Gray
Andy Halpin
Andy Jackson
Andy Payne
Andy Proffitt
Angus Swanson
Angus Welsh
Ann Bath
Ann Mann
Ann Wooldridge
Anne-Marie Manley
Anthony Wheatley
Anton Blackie
Arne Beswick
Arthur Green
Arthur Puckrin
Arthur Vince
Ashley Holmes
B Davies
B E Dilks
B E Holland
B F S Bailey
B G Longland
B Halsey
B J Rossiter
B Morris
B Powney
B Richards
B Roberts
B S Donnan
B Sanderson
B Taylor
B W Duignan
B Ward
Barrie Whitehead
Barry Riley
Ben McCreath
Ben Amesbury
Ben Cox
Ben Delaney
Ben Fielden
Ben Goodwin
Ben Green
Ben McCreath
Ben Rathbone
Ben Rockett
Bethany Spencer
Bill Carnaby
Bob Awcock
Bob Buchannan
Bob Harber
Bob Loader
Bob Richards
Bob Symons
Bob Watts
Bradley Woodruffe
Brian Bailey
Brian Bottomley
Brian Davies
Brian Evans
Brian Gourlay
Brian Hygate
Brian Kilgannon
Brian Richards
Brian Walker
Bronwen Ewing
Bruce Bricknell
Bruce Dunbar
Bryan Ackerley
Byron Buck
C A Prior
C B Beardsley
C Bate
C Broadhurst
C C P Davies
C Chambers
C Chappe
C F Davey
C F H Roberts
C Fordham
C G Robson
C Hillhouse
C Prescott
C Sandham
C Sankey
C Smith
C Taylor
C Tremaine
C W Fordham
C Wardle
Calum McIntosh
Campbell Crombie
Carmen Kubisa
Carol Westmorland
Caroline Nye
Caroline Whittaker
Carolyn Chambers
Cathy Wood
Charles Kitson
Charles Price
Charlie Bruce
Charlie Stewart
Chris Asher
Chris Dines
Chris Goode
Chris Hanson-Jones
Chris Hopkinson
Chris Hughes
Chris Little
Chris Lowe
Chris Martin
Chris Mullin
Chris Murray
Chris Parker
Chris Shaw
Chris Shepherd
Chris Vessey
Chris Yianni
Christian Geldard
Christian Henderson
Christina MacKenzie
Christina Murray
Christine Moody
Christine Roberts
Christopher Dobbs
Christopher Ette
Christopher Hall
Christopher McGuire
Christopher Pocock
Chrystal Sheldon
Claire Ashton
Clayton Knight
Cliff Degraff
Clifford Jackson
Colin Bezant
Colin Crawford
Colin Knapp
Colin Knapp & Ursula Betterton
Colin Nicol
Colin Tuckwell
Corinna O'Connor
Crystal Spearman
Cynric Williams
D Barber
D Brabbin
D C Spraggett
D Chalmers
D Chamberlain
D Chase
D Cruse
D D Stevens
D Denman
D G Spraggett
D H White
D J Keeler
D J Wilson
D L Keen
D M C Buck
D M Painter
D Oram
D P Cahill
D R Williams
D Sankey
D Short
D Stevens
D Strickson
D Twineham
D W Hanson
D W Williams
D Williams
D Willoughby
D Wilson
Dale Sturman
Damian Coleman
Damian Healy
Damon Peacock
Daniel Fisher
Daren Austin
Darren Berrisford
Darren Franks
Dave Minter
Dave Bridden
Dave Brown
Dave Fearon
Dave Minter
Dave Pemberton
Dave Stokes
Dave Stokes (Tri)
Dave Tickel
Dave Tickle
David Barry
David Bayley
David Bellinger
David Brabbin
David Carpenter
David Dudley
David Edwards
David Giles
David Gostelow
David Gray
David Greenwood
David Lewis
David Lloyd
David McLoughlin
David Murphy
David Murray
David Nash
David Page
David Palmer
David Parkes
David R Parkes
David Rapley
David Shepherd
David Steel
David Steer
David Stokes
David Wheeler
Dean Lubin
Dean Madden
Dean Peach
Denise Hurst
Derek Slann
Dg Spraggett
Diccon Hill
Dick Law
Dominic Hill
Dominic Smith
Don Speight
Donald Field
Doug Arnold
Doug Haig
Doug Hart
Douglas Haig
Duncan Coulter
Duncan Gell
E A Culley
E A Mccarthy
E B Brown
E B Seeley
E Brambell
E Carpenter
E Conlan
E Dunstan
E G Guy
E G Mackey
E Hargraves
E J Doubleday
E J Millington
E J Stagg
E Mundy
E R M Jones
E R Wilkinson
E Spencer
E Timmons
E Tremaine
E W Matthews
Eamonn Deane
Ede Harrison
Edgar Reynolds
Edric Hobbs
Edward Malarczyk
Edward Page
Edwin Hargraves
Eileen & David Brabbin
Emma Richardson
Eric Ruthenberg
Ernest Mackey
Euan Ritchie
F A Beard
F A Burrell
F C S Payce-Drury
F Clark
F G Thomas
F H Wingrave
F J Newton
F J Summerlin
F Norris
F Taylor
F V Randall
Ferdinand Laussman
Frances Chaloner
Frank Proud
Frazer Herald
Fred Newton
G A Fouldes
G A Stevens
G A T Laws
G Andrews
G Berwick
G Butler
G C Bell
G E Jones
G H Basham
G H Briault
G Hargreaves
G J Kay
G J Williams
G Jones
G Kraemer
G L Hart
G M Bettis
G Malam
G Moult
G Olive
G Peddie
G R Dennis
G R Mann
G R Marks
G S Barker
G Siddle
G Smith
G Wallis
G Williams
Gail Summerlin
Gareth Gregory
Gareth Jones
Garry Drew
Gary Boyd
Gary Gregory
Gary Knight
Gavin Gilbert
Geoff Bunyan
Geoff Clifton
Geoff Smith
Geoffrey Simmons & Trevor Greenwood
George Berwick
George Cory
George Marshall
George Shepherd
George Siddle
Georgina Cleere
Geraint Catherall
Gerald Jones
Gerard McCartney
Gethin Butler
Gillian Oakes
Ginny Pollard
Giudo Reynolds
Glenn Longland
Gordon Sephton
Gr Dennis
Graeme Raeburn
Graeme Walsh
Graeme Wyllie
Graham Axford
Graham Barker
Graham Elleray
Graham Ellis
Graham Halden
Graham Hines
Graham Jones
Graham Kemp
Graham Laming
Graham Mann
Graham Smith
Graham Trickey
Graham Young
Grahame Hargreaves
Greg Elwell
Greg Melia
Gregory Woodford
Guy Stapleford
H Bayley
H Bennett
H Canning
H E Culverhouse
H E Hargraves
H Kellie
H Long
H Moore
H Okell
H Skinner
H Staines
H Stennett
H T Jukes
H Tattersdale
Harold Heyworth
Harry Cowley
Hc Culverhouse
Heather Swift
Hector Kidds
Hedley & Bateman
Hefin Jones
Helen Waugh
Hilary Bell
Hollie Labunsky
Hopkinson & Thoday
Horry Hemsley
Howard Newhall
Howard Waller
Hugh Canning
Hugh Culverhouse
I & Mrs B Boom
I Butcher
I Finch
I Gray
I Hilditch
I L Barnett
I R Clarke
I S Dow
I Scampton
Iain Bell
Iain Findlay
Ian Brown
Ian Crosby
Ian Dow
Ian Finch
Ian Harcourt
Ian Hawkins
Ian Hennessey
Ian Hill
Ian Hodge
Ian Holbrook
Ian Horne
Ian Kellaway
Ian Lea
Ian Neville
Ian Ryall
Ian Silvester
Ian To
Ian Wilson
Ishmael Burdeau
Ivo Miesen
J A Bethell
J A Hanning
J A King
J Bethell
J Bowker
J Briggs
J Burrow
J Chadwick
J Coleman
J D Cahill
J Dakin
J Dodson
J E Holdsworth
J Ellis
J F Arnold
J Greaves
J Gresty
J H Draper
J H Reaney
J Harris
J J Nunn
J Jackson
J Kershaw
J King
J L Clarke
J Lee
J Liversidge
J M Jackson
J M Wilson
J Naylor
J P Burrows
J Pilling
J Purves
J R Baines
J R Crosby
J Reynolds
J Richards
J Richardson
J S Leach
J Sirett
J Snook
J Speirs
J T Shuttleworth
J Thompson
J Thomson
J Viney
J W Dougal
J W Hall
J W Hopper
J W Hopper (T)
J W M Murdoch
J W Rossiter
J W Taylor
J Weston
J Woodburn
Ja King
Jac Lewis
Jack Jones
Jackie Field
Jacqueline Hobson
James Bromley
James Hughes
James McKenzie
James Mepham
James Rees
James Reynolds
James Roberson
James Taylor
Jamie Baskerville
Jamie Richardson Paige
Jamie Siam Paige
Jane Moore
Jane Prowse
Jane Swain
Janet Fairclough
Janet Lowe
Janet Tebbutt
Jasmijn Muller
Jasmine Sharp
Jason Brookes
Jason Codling
Jason Sawyer
Jason Smith
Jay Chisnall
Jed Friskney
Jenny Bonham
Jeremy Briggs
Jeremy Hicks
Jeremy Meades
Jez Shotter
Jez Willows
Jh Reaney
Jill Wilkinson
Jim Henderson
Jim Hollands
Jim Hopper
Jim Scott
Jim Thomas
Jim Williams
Jimmy Froggatt
Jl Clarke
Joanna Cebrat
Jocelyn Chappell
Joe Applegarth
Joe Francis
Joe Gorman
Joel Sothern
John Appleby
John Barkman
John Carr Colin Knapp
John Connaghan
John Cornfield
John Falconer
John Featherstone
John Forbes
John Golder
John Green
John Hassall
John Hatfield
John Laker
John Lowe
John Manville
John Marshall
John Miller
John Mollart
John Mulvey
John O'Sullivan
John Payne
John Pugh
John Reaney
John Rowe
John Rowlinson
John Street
John Streets
John Taylor
John Trott
John Viney
John Walker
John Warnock
Jon Fairclough
Jon Jennings
Jon Lewis
Jon Marsden
Jonathan Furniss
Jonathan Gateley
Jonathan Morgan
Jonathan Pontin
Jonathan Shubert
Jose Pinon
Jose Pinon Shaw
Joseph North
Josh Crow-Stewart
Julian Gee
Julian Rickard
Julian Rider
Justin Jones
Jw Taylor
K Bellingham
K Clarke
K D Gowans
K Hartley
K Jones
K Langham
K Price
K Usher
K W Wawman
Karl Austin
Kate Bradley
Kathryn Smith
Keeley Chalk
Keith Balcombe
Keith Coffey
Keith Luetchford
Keith Silvester
Ken MacEwen
Ken Roesner
Ken Usher
Kenn Jordan
Kenneth Bryson
Kenny Cliffe
Kenny Watson
Kevin Aitken
Kevin Jeffs
Kevin Langham
Kevin Munt
Kevin Thomas
Kevin Wright
Kirk Eden
Knapp & Carr
Kyle Hudson
L E Lowe
L E Lowe (T)
L E Vahey
L F Black
L Fensom
L G Bowerman
L Hall
L K Austin
L Morris
L P Gee
L R Jenkins
L Scampton
L Taylor
L Webb
Laurence Hewetson
Lawrence Webster
Le Lowe
Lee Bainbridge
Lee Cairns
Lee Tunnicliffe
Lee Williams
Leon Marshall
Libby McLaren
Linda Reid
Lindsay Goldbeck
Lisa Costa
Louise Clowes
Louise Glysen
Louise Laker
Lr Jenkins
Lynne Biddulph
Lynne Taylor
M C Green
M Coupe
M Cunningham
M Cunnington
M Evans
M G Selbach
M Green
M Halgarth
M Holden
M Holliday
M Horsnell
M Humphreys
M I Badham
M J Holden
M J Judge
M J Parker
M J Roberts
M J Sinclair
M L Johnson
M Maiden
M Morris
M P Holliday
M Potts
M Riley
M Ross
M Smith
M Staines
M T Spink
M T Wilmer
M Turner
M Whitehead
M Wirmer
Malcolm Borg
Malcolm Dancy
Malcolm Matcham
Malcolm Strickland
Marc Crosby
Marc Cunnington
Marcus Blagorve
Marcus Blagrove
Marcus Jackson-Baker
Marina Bloom
Mark Abela
Mark Amon
Mark Botteley
Mark Elmy
Mark Fairhead
Mark Gray
Mark Holt
Mark Leadbetter
Mark Nicholson
Mark Philipson
Mark Sanders
Mark Shannon
Mark Turnbull
Mark Wilcox
Marko Baloh
Martin Arundel
Martin Badham
Martin Booker
Martin Brown
Martin Collett
Martin Johnson
Martin Lucas
Martin Moore
Martin Tonks
Martin Wiggan
Mary Corbett
Maryjane Watson
Matt Chambers
Matt Chudley
Matt Jones
Matt Seward
Matt Simmons
Matt Smith
Matthew Armitt
Matthew Haigh
Matthew Larkins
Matthew Scholes
Matthew Stevens
Matthew Welbourn
Mebs Bobat
Melville Kirkland
Michael Bloom
Michael Broadwith
Michael Friday
Michael Froggatt
Michael Henley
Michael Hutchings
Michael Hutchinson
Michael Morley
Michael Phillips
Michael Pumphrey
Michael Rainton
Michael T. Wilmer
Michael Titre
Michael Turner
Michael Wallis
Michael Wigley
Michael Wiseman
Michelle Lee
Michelle Lindley
Michi Hange
Mick James
Mick Potts
Mike Beattie
Mike Daly
Mike Gowers
Mike Hazlewood
Mike Heesom
Mike Hutchings
Mike McConville
Mike Pain
Mike Rose
Mike Sheldrake
Mike Smith
Mike Wigley
Miles Haslam
Miles Jenkins
Miss S J Charlton
Mo Leghari
Mohammad Leghari
Mrs B Boon
Mrs B M Boon
Mrs J Burrow
Ms C Farquharson
Mt Wilmer
N Bristow
N Carline
N Gardiner
N Gerrard
N King
N Millington
N Portress
N Shenton
N W Tullett
Nat Orpen-Palmer
Nathan Newton
Nathan Boyer
Ned Millington
Neil Barford
Neil Fowler
Neil Lauder
Neil Quarmby
Neil Ridsdale
Neil Skellern
Neil Stewart
Neil Stirzaker
Neil Williams
Neville Holgate
Nicholas Long
Nick Cave
Nick Clarke
Nick Hickman
Nick Tarmey
Nigel Briggs
Nigel Brooks
Nigel Farr
Nigel Holl
Nigel Jones
Nigel Ware
Nik Gardiner
Nikolaus Gardiner
No Event
No Finishers
Noel Toone
Norman Harvey & Mary Corbett
Norman Wood
O L Howard
O N Goodspeed
P B Howells
P B Winwood
P Baumber
P Benstead
P Bishop
P Colman
P E A Carter
P Gee
P Guy
P Hoffman
P Hughes
P M Colman
P M Horsfield
P M Stoaling
P Martin (T)
P Oxborough
P P Barlow
P Potter
P Rawlings
P W Hawker
P W Smith
Patrick Haywood
Patrick Schalbetter
Paul Alderson
Paul Betteridge
Paul Bland
Paul Cook
Paul Costain
Paul Cre
Paul Cribb
Paul Cull
Paul Day
Paul Dytham
Paul Fallon
Paul Gibbons
Paul Jackson
Paul McGowan
Paul Molyneux
Paul O Donoghue
Paul O'Donoghue
Paul ODonoghue
Paul Revell
Paul Robinson
Paul Russell
Paul Stephens
Paul Tunnell
Paul Wainwright
Paul Ward
Paul Whitehead
Paul Winchcombe
Pete Bishop
Pete Noel
Pete Vance
Peter Annells
Peter Baker
Peter Goodfellow
Peter Harridge
Peter Holland
Peter Holley
Peter Hooper
Peter Horne
Peter Lee
Peter Lowe
Peter Moon
Peter Ruffhead
Peter Trodden
Peter Turner
Peter Wilson
Peter Yates
Phil Barlow
Phil Holden
Phil Nelson
Phil Oxborough
Philip Cunningham
Philip Holden
Philip Jones
Philip Kelman
Philip Richards
Philip Wade
Philippa Crocker
Phillipe Van Doornick
Pip Jenkins
Pippa Wheeler
Pv Rawlings
Quentin Field-Boden
R Alma
R C Davis
R C Goodfellow
R C Hoof
R Clarke
R Coleby
R Collicott
R Coukham
R Cromack
R D Cook
R Dadswell
R Dowling
R E Gager
R E Y Slater
R F Mynott
R F Randall
R Fry
R G Davies
R G Goodfellow
R Gee
R Glover
R Goodfellow
R Goodman
R Griffin
R H Clarke
R Haswell
R Hill
R J Cary
R J Coad
R J Elliott
R J Haythorne
R J Stoneman
R J Wallis
R Johnson
R K Masterman
R Keevil
R L Gee
R L Massset
R Lockett
R May-Miller
R Mills
R Newell
R Patten
R Pearson
R Pell
R Sant
R Saunders
R Sewell
R Smith
R Stapleton
R T Breedon
R Usher
R W Buchan
R W O'Dell
R W Smith
R W Usher
Ralph Dadswell
Ralph Dadswell & David Johnson
Ray Retter
Rebecca Mason
Rebecca Wilson
Reuben Morgan
Rich Hunt
Richard Birkin
Richard Brown
Richard Coates
Richard Corcoran
Richard Griffin
Richard Harding
Richard Horton
Richard Hull
Richard Johnson
Richard Jones
Richard McTaggart
Richard Parrotte
Richard Thoday
Richard Thomas
Richard Walker
Rimas Grigenas
Ritchie Tout
Rob Dulson
Rob Duncomb
Rob Milnes
Rob Powell
Rob Rix
Rob Simmonds
Rob Townsend
Rob Waghorn
Robbie Mitchell
Robbie Richardson
Robert Bullyment
Robert Finch
Robert Gray
Robert Jones
Robert Lewis-Crosby
Robert McCready
Robert Meredith
Robert Morris
Robert Morton
Robert Osman
Robert Richardson
Robert Royston
Robert Tomlinson
Robert Watson
Robert Whittall
Robin Haigh
Roger Clarke
Roger Cliffe
Roger Sewell
Roger Squire
Roland Elsdon
Ron Longstaff
Ron Lowe
Rose Price
Rose Leith
Rose Price
Ross Bartlett
Ross Bentley-Davies
Roy Deakin
Rupert Beverley-Smith
Rupert Beverly-Smith
Russ Mason
Russell Carter
Russell Kesley
Russell Pindar
Rw O'Dell
S A Jackson
S A Underwood
S Argill
S Armstrong
S Baldwin
S Barker
S C Pearce
S Clarke
S Connelly
S Cornish
S E Ellis
S E Harvey
S E Loveder
S F Cruse
S G Mills
S H Ferris
S J Charlton
S J Light
S Jackson
S Kavanagh
S Lea
S M Butler
S M Jackson
S P Carpenter
S P Doughty
S Pedley
S Poulton
S R Armstrong
S Rove
S Stanton
S Thompson
S W Jackson
S W Siddle
S Wild
Sally Cowan
Sam Williamson
Samuel Crossley
Sandra Deery
Scott Chalmers
Scott Taylor
Sean Childs
Sean O'Hiarnain
Sean Sanders
SEáN O'Shah
Sharon Clifford
Shaun Hargreaves
Shaun Leonard
Sien Van Der Plank
Simon Atkinson
Simon Bennett
Simon Bever
Simon Corbett
Simon Cullen
Simon Doughty
Simon Gent
Simon Hall
Simon Pedley
Simon Pontin
Simon Proven
Simon Romaine
Simon Rounding
Simon Scott
Simon Simpson
Simon Trehearn
Simon Waller
Simon Yates
Stacey Stump
Stefan Jooste
Steph Mottram
Stephen Airey
Stephen Avery
Stephen Balbi
Stephen Dart
Stephen Edwards
Stephen Light & Paul Ward
Stephen Lou
Stephen Marchant
Stephen Morgan
Stephen Poulton
Steve Airey
Steve Ayres
Steve Brown
Steve Davies
Steve Gelder
Steve Ginty
Steve Gooch
Steve Heaney
Steve Maxted
Steve Ralphs
Steve Rush
Steve Sayers
Steve Topping
Steven Abraham
Steven Fullerton
Steven Massey
Steven Roach
Stewart Bond
Stewart Wilson
Stuart Allan
Stuart Archard
Stuart Birnie
Stuart Day
Stuart Edwards
Stuart Jago
Stuart Stow
Sue Satchithananda
T A Fisher
T Beswick
T Dolphin
T G King
T J Dolphin
T Murphy
T W Reynolds
Tabitha Rendall
Theresa Taylor
Thomas Deakins
Thomas Hall
Tim Bayley
Tim Dolphin
Tim Mcevoy
Tim Melville
Tim Whitehead
Timothy Dolphin
Timothy Welsh
Toby Hopper
Toby Williams
Tom Barker
Tom Deakins
Tom Ellis
Tom Fricker
Tom Glandfield
Tony Bailey
Tony Baker
Tony Foulds
Tony Gale
Tony Glover
Tony Hull
Tony Reeves
Tony Walne
Tracey Maund
Trevor Hall
Trevor Halstead
Trevor Mayne
Trevor Rush
U R Moult
Ultan Coyle
Ursula Betterton
V Dancey
V Howell
V Palk
V W Wills
V Wood
Valerio Zamboni
Victor Chetta
Vince Edwards
W A Ellis
W A Low
W A Lowe
W Clough
W D Pykett
W E Ward
W H Best
W Hester
W J Ithell
W J Ithell (T)
W J Pye
W Lantry
W Luxton
W P Wilson
W Shearing
W Vetcher
W W Borland
W Wood
Wayne Powell
Will Armitage
Will Leaper
William Dossett
William Duguid
Williams & Creswick
Wyatt Wendels
Yvonne Unsworth
You can search the results for a specific rider:
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shows there are photographs of the rider. The letters after a riders name equate to: W = Woman; T = Trike
Alan Bate
Revolution Cafe Bar
Mersey Roads Club